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Small insect from soil/leaf litter

Small insect from soil/leaf litter
Holderness, Grafton County, New Hampshire, USA
October 26, 2010
Size: ~ 6 mm total length
This animal was in a soil/leaf litter sample collected in from a forested site in September 2010. Would appreciate any help with ID!

Images of this individual: tag all
Small insect from soil/leaf litter Small insect from soil/leaf litter

Moved from ID Request.

among our aderids, Elonus basalis is the largest...
...and arguably one of the commonest -- so, sizewise, a skinny larva of "~6 mm total length" might be a full-grown larva of that beetle, imho

According to Handbook of Zool
According to Handbook of Zoology. Coleoptera, part II this is larva of Aderidae, unassociated with imago. This family is very close to Anthicidae, some authours treated it as anticid subfamily.

That was my
second guess. What character(s) can you see in this picture to distinguish the two?

Don Chandler's opinion: "It doesn't look quite right to me [for an anthicid. -v] (the should be more obviously joined at the base), but larvae of anthicids are uniform for the most part in appearance, yet not well-known. The habitat given isn't quite right for anthicids in our area."

Based on habitus
alone, I'd say Anthicidae.

Coleoptera of some sort.
Question is, which one!?!?! Ugh I wish I knew where my immature books were... I can imagine a line drawing of an immature just like this, but can't think of what family.

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