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Large black fly - Copestylum mexicanum - male

Large black fly - Copestylum mexicanum - Male
Venice, Sarasota County, Florida, USA
April 4, 2006
This is the largest fly I've ever seen. I thought at first it was just another carpenter bee. The yellow part of the flower is 3/8 inch across.

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Large black fly - Copestylum mexicanum - male Large black fly - Copestylum mexicanum Large black fly - Copestylum mexicanum

Syrphid fly.
This is a syrphid fly, Copestylum mexicana (formerly Volucella mexicana). They are quite common in the southern U.S., but I once caught one in Cincinnati, far to the north of its known range. They breed in decaying cacti.

Is this a male Eric?
Carla Finley
Venice, FL

Told you to look out for these things! When you have seen an Ornidia obesa these can't be far behind.
It is a male. The female would have a bigger gap beteen the eyes.
-Sean McCann
By the way, a big Tabanus atratus is a sight to behold as well. They are especially impressive because they will try to bite you, whereas Copestylum is harmless.

So this is the one you were talking about. I forgot.
Carla Finley
Venice, FL

Thank you Eric
I looked at those in the guide and thought they were the closest match.
Carla Finley
Venice, FL

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