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For the United States & Canada
immature male T. laboriosa (I think) - Tetragnatha laboriosa

immature male T. laboriosa (I think) - Tetragnatha laboriosa
Naches Trail Preserve, Pierce County, Washington, USA
October 27, 2010
Size: 4 mm
Found in Tall Oregon Grape.. hanging with ventral side up. To one side is open grassland and a small stream/gully to the other side are some mixed trees.. many deciduous.

Moved from Longjawed Orbweavers.

From Rod Crawford:

Yes, the online image is clear enough to show the eye distances well.
The lateral eyes (front & back) are the same distance apart as the
median eyes. That makes it laboriosa. Some laboriosa specimens have
the lateral eyes a little closer together, but never as close together as in versicolor or elongata.