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Species Gelechia lynceella - Hodges#1946

An Unidentified Micro Moth - Gelechia lynceella Gelechiidae: Gelechia lynceella - Gelechia lynceella Gelechiidae: Gelechia lynceella - Gelechia lynceella Unknown Moth - Gelechia lynceella Unidentified Twirler Moth - Gelechia lynceella Glauce pectenalaeella ? - Gelechia lynceella Pennsylvania Moth - Gelechia lynceella small moth - Gelechia lynceella
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Gelechioidea (Twirler Moths and kin)
Family Gelechiidae (Twirler Moths)
Subfamily Gelechiinae
Tribe Gelechiini
Genus Gelechia
Species lynceella (Gelechia lynceella - Hodges#1946)
Hodges Number
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Gelechia lynceella Zeller, 1873
Reproduced in translation below are three portions of the original description (Zeller, 1873):

[Latin summary]

Base of abdomen ochreous; antennae faintly ringed; forewings narrow, grayish, black-powdered and indistinctly marked, with an antemedial hollow ["nigro-pupillato"] gray orbicular spot in the disc; hindwings grayish, translucent.

[Portions of the full description in German, translated using Google Translate]

Dorsum of thorax gray, finely dusted with black; head white-gray, not so dusted, antennae brown-gray, faintly ringed with gray on the back, pedicel brown with a white-gray longitudinal stripe. Second segment of the palpi cylindrically compressed, dusted brown on the outer surface, dark brown near apex and light at apex; the scale brush loose, light colored, thinning towards the apex; the distal segment about half as long as the second segment, blackish, with a pale band midway along the inner surface.

Forewings 3.5''' [units?] long, narrow (more than in muscosella, less than in cuneatella), not widened behind, with whitish ground color abundantly but unevenly dusted with black, most evenly in the sloping basal space between the shoulder and the inner third of the margin. In the middle of the wing less than halfway from the base is a round, white-grey spot with a black center. A black longitudinal line extends from it to the indistinct light spot on the transverse vein [end of the discal cell], also with a black interior. Along the costa next to each of the two [aforementioned] spots is a black spot, and the first of the two is connected to the discoidal line by a thinned prolongation; behind the second is an indistinct, thin, whitish-grey transverse line, sharply angled in the middle, from which several indistinct whitish-gray spots extend to the outer margin; each of these spots ends in a black dot on the outside. Fragments of a longitudinal black line can be seen along the fold below [i.e. toward the inner margin] and distad of the [more basal discal ring]. Fringe light gray, dusted black in the basal half.
Print References
Busck, A. 1903. A revision of the American moths of the family Gelechiidae, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 25: 879.(1)
Zeller, 1873. Beiträge zur Kentniss der Nordamericanischen Nachtfalter besonders der Microlepidopteren: 55; in Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-königlichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien: 255.(2)
Internet References
Images at MPG
Image at Calphotos
Works Cited
1.A revision of the American moths of the family Gelechiidae, with descriptions of new species
August Busck. 1903. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 25: 767-938.
2.Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamericanischen Nachtfalter, besonders der Microlepidopteren, vol. 2.
Philipp Christoph Zeller. 1873. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 23: 201-334.