Species Cinara pilicornis - Spruce Shoot Giant-aphid
Dransfield B., Brightwell B. (yyyy) InfluentialPoints.com (Aphid identification resources & more)
the site doesn't seem to provide any how-to-cite suggestions, alas
Checklist of North American aphids
Contributed by v belov on 31 May, 2023 - 6:16pm |
Favret C., Miller G.L. (2012) AphID. Identification Technology Program, CPHST, PPQ, APHIS, USDA
Contributed by v belov on 16 July, 2019 - 11:05am |
Blackman R., Eastop V. (‒2023) Aphids on the world’s plants: An online identification and information guide Contributed by v belov on 21 January, 2012 - 9:23pm |
Favret C. (2013) Aphid Species File. Version 5.0
BG's 'standard' source, listing valid names, synonyms, and links to references for aphid species of the world.
Navigate by classification tree
Contributed by v belov on 18 December, 2010 - 11:50am |
SEL USDA Aphidoidea web page, by A.S. Jensen, G.L. Miller, & M.B. Stoetzel Contributed by v belov on 18 December, 2010 - 11:42am |
Scientific article on the use of antenna and other features to identify Aphidoidea
1998 article by Stoetzel on the use of antennae and other features to identify Aphidoidea. Nice figures - looks useful.
Lis et al. (2012) Hemiptera Poloniae
Hemiptera of Poland data base; helpful info on the many spp. introduced from Eurasia to N. America
Contributed by v belov on 8 October, 2013 - 1:43am |
Homoptera on Discover Life
i really don't know how to cite parts of discoverlife properly: some sections show the authors, some don't; some are very good or at least helpful, others are quite unreliable...
Contributed by v belov on 11 October, 2012 - 1:23pm |