Species Schizogenius falli
Additions to the Checklist of Wisconsin Ground Beetles (Carabidae), including Adventive Harpalus rubripes among 7 New Records By Peter W. Messer The Great Lakes Entomologist Vol 47 (Nos. 1 -2): 66 - 72, 2014
Abstract: Sixteen species are added to the 2009 checklist of Wisconsin Geadephaga (1). Of these, seven species (2) are reported here as new to Wisconsin. Nine taxa from the list are affected by new information resulting in the removal of six names. The Eurasian beetle Harpalus rubripes (Duftschmid) was discovered as early as 2009 on annually surveyed beaches along Lake Michigan in southeastern Wisconsin. This discovery greatly extends the species distribution westward from its presence in northeastern North America where it was first recorded in 1981.
The ful
Life beneath the surface of the central Texan Balcones Escarpment: genus Anillinus Casey, 1918 (Coleoptera, Carabidae...) By Sokolov I.M., Reddell J.R, Kavanaugh D.H. ZooKeys 417:71-101, 2014
Descriptive accounts, photographs, and a key to the seven tiny species of the Texan soil- and cave-dwelling genus Anillinus are freely available from the source ZooKeys 417:71-101 (2014). Four new species are described.
Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the Hanford Nuclear Site in south-central Washington State By Chris Looney, Richard S. Zack, James R. LaBonte ZooKeys 396: 13- 42, 2014
92 species are reported here of which 4 are newly recorded for Washington State. More than just a checklist.
New and Additional Records of Ground Beetles and Wrinkled Bark Beetles for Virginia (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Rhysodidae). By Roble S.M. & Hoffman R.L Banisteria No. 40:42-48, 2012
A quarter of a century succession of epigaeic beetle assemblages in remnant habitats in an urbanized matrix (Col., Carabidae) By Gandhi K.J., Epstein M.E., Koehle J.J., Purrington F.F. Zookeys 147: 667-689, 2011
Contributed by v belov on 3 May, 2013 - 10:43am |
Synopsis of adventive species of Coleoptera (Insecta) recorded from Canada. Part 1: Carabidae By Klimaszewski J., Langor D., Batista R., Duval J.-A., Majka C.G., Scudder G.G.E., Bousquet Y. Pensoft Series Faunistica #103, 96 pp., 2012
See abstract cover, table of contents, sample pages and ORDER here (orders also possible through e-mail orders@pensoft.net or fax: +359-2-8704282)
Contributed by v belov on 28 March, 2012 - 11:32am |
A natural history of the ground-beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of America north of Mexico. By Larochelle and Larivière. Pensoft Publishers, Bulgaria. 584 pp., 2003
Larochelle, A. and M.C. Larivière. 2003. A natural history of the ground-beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of America north of Mexico. Pensoft Publishers, Bulgaria. 584 pp.
Treats over 2,400 taxa.
Provides ecology, biology, dispersal power, collecting techniques, and selected referenced for each taxon.
+For ecology - covers altitudinal distribution, habitat, day/night activity, gregariousness.
+For biology - covers seasonality, mating, gravid females or oviposition, tenerals, overwintering, feeding, predation, parasitism, defense mechanism.
+For dispersal power - covers wing condition, flight data, other locomotion habits.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 29 November, 2011 - 12:05pm |
The ground-beetles (Carabidae, excl. Cicindelinae) of Canada and Alaska, parts 1—6 By C.H. Lindroth Opuscula Entomologica Supplementa XX, XXIV, XXIX, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV, 1961
Updated 11 April 2024. Here are links to download Lindroth in two parts. I am still missing pages 421-422. Let me know if any other pages are missing.
Part 1 (to page 648)
Part 2 (pages 649+)
Contributed by Brad Barnd on 5 November, 2011 - 2:18pm |