Species Ceroplastes rusci - Fig Scale
The Soft Scale Insects of Florida (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae) By Avas B. Hamon and Michael L. Williams Florid Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry, 1984
"This scholarly treatment of the soft scales of Florida by Hamon and Williams fulfills a need which has grown over a period of many years. It provides a reference useful both for field identification of some species of soft scales and for the accurate identification in the laboratory of all species known to occur or which are likely to be found in Florida. This publication should be useful in the identification of scales over an area much greater than Florida, as the dichotomous keys are not restricted to those species known to occur in Florida. This is the first definitive treatment of the soft scales of Florida and neighboring parts of the United States." Howard V. Weems, Jr., 1984
An annotated key to the families of scale insects (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of America, North of Mexico... By Howell J.O., Williams M.L. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 69: 181‒189, 1976
Full title: An annotated key to the families of scale insects (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of America, North of Mexico, based on characteristics of the adult female
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Contributed by v belov on 17 November, 2023 - 7:15pm |
Morphology and taxonomy of the adult males of Pseudococcidae and Eriococcidae (Homoptera : Coccoidea) By S.A. Afifi Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology, Supplement, 13, 1–210 , 1968
The visual system of male scale insects By Elke K. Buschbeck and Martin Hauser Science of Nature 96(3):365-74, 2009
The California species of mealy bugs By Gordon Floyd Ferris Stanford University Publications, University Series. Palo Alto, 1918
A Systematic Catalogue of the Mealybugs of the World By Yair Ben-Dov Athenaeum Press, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1994
Full title:
A Systematic Catalogue of the Mealybugs of the World (Insecta, Homoptera, Coccoidea, Pseudococcidae and Putoidae): With Data on Geographical Distribution, Host Plants, Biology, and Economic Importance.
A study of the scale insect genera Puto ... and Ceroputo ... By D.J. Williams, P.J. Gullan, D.R. Miller, D. Matile-Ferrero, and S.I. Han Zootaxa 2802: 1-22, 2011
D.J. Williams, P.J. Gullan, D.R. Miller, D. Matile-Ferrero, and S.I. Han, A study of the scale insect genera Puto Signoret (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea: Putoidae) and Ceroputo Šulc (Pseudococcidae) with a comparison to Phenacoccus Cockerell (Pseudococcidae), Zootaxa 2802: 1-22, 2011.
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A review of the Margarodidae sensu Morrison (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) and some related taxa based on the morphology of adult males By Chris Hodgson and Imre Foldi Zootaxa, Vol. 1263: 1-250, 2006
Chris Hodgson and Imre Foldi, A review of the Margarodidae sensu Morrison (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) and some related taxa based on the morphology of adult males, Zootaxa 1263: 1-250 (17 Jul. 2006).
Valuable reference on the males of the following families: