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Species Eumetopiella rufipes

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An illustrated identification key to the genera of Ulidiidae (Diptera: Tephritoidea) of the United States and Canada
By Charles Wallace
Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 45: 94 pp., 2021

"Ulidiidae, the "picture-winged flies,'' are a family of true flies belonging to the superfamily Tephritoidea. Over 130 of the family's approximately 700 species, and 40 of its 128 genera, have been documented north of Mexico in the United States and Canada. Although the family is primarily saprophagous and commonly found in association with feces or decaying plant tissue, several species are known to be pestiferous on crops significant to agribusiness, primarily in the American southeast. Here the taxonomic key provided in the "Otitidae" chapter of the Manual of Nearctic Diptera (Steyskal 1987) is updated with color photographs, including notes on taxonomy and distribution of species.

A Molecular and Morphological Analysis of Ulidiidae (Diptera: Tephritoidea)
By Wallace, Charles Reid
North Carolina State University, 2018
A thesis submitted to North Carolina State University for Master of Science Entomology.

Important for Ulidiidae because he has itemized corrections to the Otitidae key in Nearctic Diptera Vol 2 (1).

Easily found by Google and available here as a PDF.

Myennidini, a new tribe of the subfamily Otitinae (Diptera: Ulidiidae), with discussion of the suprageneric classification...
By Kameneva E., Korneyev V.
Isr. J. Entomol. 35-36: 497-586, 2006
Full title: Myennidini, a new tribe of the subfamily Otitinae (Diptera: Ulidiidae), with discussion of the suprageneric classification of the family
Full text

Family groups of Diopsoidea and Nerioidea (Diptera: Schizophora): Definition, history and relationships
By Lonsdale O.
Zootaxa 4735: 1‒177, 2020

Comparative morphology of the male terminalia of Tephritidae and other Cyclorrhapha
By Sueyoshi M.
Isr. J. Entomol. 35: 477-496, 2005

Western Diptera: Descriptions of new genera and species of Diptera from the region west of the Mississippi and especially from C
By Osten Sacken, C. R. Baron von
Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories 3: 189-354., 1877
I used this for original descriptions of Asilidae.

Full title:
Western Diptera: Descriptions of new genera and species of Diptera from the region west of the Mississippi and especially from California.

Found here.

Pollinating flies (Diptera): A major contribution to plant diversity and agricultural production
By Ssymank A., Kearns C.A., Pape T., Thompson F.C.
Biodiversity 9: 86‒89, 2011

New Diptera from North and Central America
By Curran C.H.
Am. Mus. novitates 415: 1-16, 1930

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