Species Abax parallelepipedus
New West Indian Carabidæ, with a list of the Cuban species By Darlington P.J. Psyche 41: 66‒130, 1934
Contributed by v belov on 23 August, 2024 - 5:08pm |
An annotated checklist of ground beetles (Carabidae) in the state of Sonora, Mexico with new species & collection localities By Spheley, D & T.R. Van Devender Dugesiana 29(1): 41-137, 2021
Complete title: An annotated checklist of ground beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae) occurring in the state of Sonora, Mexico with descriptions of new species and notes about some collection localities.
An annotated checklist of ground beetles in the family Carabidae from the state of Sonora in Mexico is presented with notes including number of specimens examined, municipios, habitat, vegetation, elevation, and collection dates. The checklist includes 388 taxa, of which 270 are described taxa (included are 19 subspecies and 1 hybrid) and 118 are unnamed morphospecies, in 92 genera representing 35 tribes. Dot maps display where specimens were collected. Three new species are described, with corrected keys and images: Calathus mcclevei, new species (type locality: Mexico, Sonora, Municipality of Yécora, 10 km south of Yécora, ca. 28.278° N 108.926° W); Calathus tigrinus, new species (type locality: Mexico, Sonora, Municipality of Nacozari de García, Rancho El Tigre, 28.3 km (by air) WNW Bavispe, Sierra El Tigre, 30.58988° N 109.20811° W); and Amblygnathus balli, new species (type locality: Mexico, Sonora, Municipality of Fronteras, Rancho Capulín, 23.5 km (by air) WSW Fronteras, Sierra Buenos Aires, 30.76167° N 109.82361° W).
Western Hemisphere Zuphiini: descriptions of Coarazuphium whiteheadi (new species), Zuphioides (new genus), and classification By Ball, G.E. and D. Shpeley ZooKeys 315: 17-54 , 2013
Full Title: Western Hemisphere Zuphiini: descriptions of Coarazuphium whiteheadi, new species, and Zuphioides, new genus, and classification of the genera (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
Downloadable at DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.315.5293
The article's main impact on BugGuide is that North American species previously belonging to Zuphium would be moved to genus Zuphioides. The latter Latinized name is treated as neuter and so the previous epithets under Zuphium remain unaffected.
Species delimitation in the ground beetle subgenus Liocosmius (Bembidion), including standard and next-generation sequencing By Maddison, DR & KW Cooper Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014
Full title: Species delimitation in the ground beetle subgenus Liocosmius (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidion),
including standard and next-generation sequencing of museum specimens
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 172, 741–770. With 19 figures
Thirty ground beetles new to Virginia, and a milestone By R.L. Hoffman, S.M. Roble, R.L. Davidson Banisteria 27:16-30, 2006
This publication is most notable for including R.L. Davidson's invaluable notes on identifying various Tachyines, especially those of the genus Paratachys.
Species delimitation, classical taxonomy & genome skimming: a review of the ground beetle genus Lionepha (Coleoptera: Carabidae) By Maddison, DR & JS Sproul Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, XX, 1 - 46, 2020
ABSTRACT: The western North American genus Lionepha is shown to contain at least 11 species through a combination of eight-gene species delimitation analyses and morphological study. In order to confirm the names of several species, we sequence DNA of primary types of several names, including a LeConte lectotype collected in the 1850s, using next-generation sequencing. We examine chromosomes of eight species, and show that all have 12 pairs of autosomesand an X0/XX sex-chromosome system. The following species are described as new: Lionepha australerasa, L. kavanaughi, L. lindrothi and L. tuulukwa. The name Lionepha erasa is shown to belong to a relatively rare, western species ranging from Oregon through Alaska; the common, widespread species previously known as Lionepha erasa now takes the name L. probata. Bembidion chintimini, B. lindrothellus and B. lummi are synonymized with L. erasa. We provide tools to identify specimens to species, including illustrations, diagnoses and distribution maps. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/z1z167.
Unifying systematics & taxonomy: Nomenclatural changes to Nearctic tiger beetles based on phylogenetics/morphology/life history By Duran, DP & HM Gough Insecta Mundi 0727: 1- 12, 2019
Full title: Unifying systematics and taxonomy: Nomenclatural changes to Nearctic tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) based on phylogenetics, morphology and life history.
Abstract: The taxonomy of Nearctic tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) is reviewed in light of modern systematics research. Despite decades of published molecular phylogenies, the taxonomic nomenclature has not been formally updated since the 1950s. We generated a maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree based on three mitochondrial gene fragments (16S, COX3 and CytB) to address the placement of Nearctic taxa that were not included in recent studies; these species were historically contained within Cylindera Westwood, 1831, a polyphyletic genus. Here we describe Parvindela Duran and Gough, new genus, and propose 20 new combinations based on a plurality of data, including our topology, prior molecular phylogenetic studies, morphology and ecology: Apterodela unipunctata (Fabricius, 1775) new combination; Brasiella praecisa (Bates, 1890) new combination; Brasiella viridisticta (Bates, 1881) new combination; Cicindela amargosae (Dahl, 1939) new combination; Cicindela senilis (G.Horn, 1866) new combination; Cicindela willistoni (LeConte, 1879) new combination; Eunota californica (Menetries, 1883) new combination; Eunota circumpicta (LaFerte, 1841) new combination; Eunota fulgoris (Casey, 1913) new combination; Eunota gabbii (G. Horn, 1866) new combination; Eunota pamphila (LeConte, 1873) new combination; Eunota praetextata (LeConte, 1854) new combination; Eunota severa (LaFerte, 1841) new combination; Eunota striga (LeConte, 1875) new combination; Parvindela debilis (Bates, 1890) new combination; Parvindela celeripes (LeConte, 1848) new combination; Parvindela cursitans (LeConte, 1860) new combination; Parvindela terricola (Say, 1824) new combination; Parvindela nephelota (Bates, 1882) new combination; Parvindela lunalonga (Schaupp, 1884) new combination.
Range update for eight species of the subfamily Elaphrinae (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Ontario's Far North & Nunavut, Canada By Fleming, KJ & Beresford, DV The Coleopterists Bulletin 73(2): 433 - 439, 2019
Title abbreviated.
ABSTRACT: Adults of eight species of beetles in the subfamily Elaphrinae (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Elaphrinae) were collected in the Far North of Ontario and on Akimiski Island, Nunavut, Canada. We found first records for Nunavut (territory) of seven species: Blethisa julii LeConte, 1863; Blethisa quadricollis Haldeman, 1847; Diacheila arctica (Gyllenhal, 1810); Elaphrus americanus Dejean, 1831; Elaphrus lecontei Crotch, 1876; Elaphrus clairvillei Kirby, 1837; and Elaphrus fuliginosus Say, 1830. Our record of one species, Elaphrus californicus Mannerheim, 1843, is a new range record for the province of Ontario.