Adult: wings shiny, transluscent white, without markings
legs white or pale gray; underside of forewing costa may be dark gray, especially at base; antennae simple, dark except for white base
Larva: top of head reddish-brown edged with black; body with faint dorsal, subdorsal, and spiracular lines; cryptically colored to blend in with underside of host leaves on which it rests
Newfoundland to northern Florida, west to Texas, north to Saskatchewan (plus one record from Alberta)
dry shrubby areas, valley slopes, coulees
adults fly from March to September in the south; May to July in the north
larvae feed on leaves of apple, Blue-beech (Carpinus caroliniana), cherry, hawthorn, hornbeam, maple, mountain-ash, Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius), oak, pear, snowberry (Symphoricarpos spp.), and Viburnum species
Life Cycle
one generation per year; overwinters as a pupa
adults fly during the day and at night, and are attracted to light
See Also
Protitame virginalis and
Cabera variolaria are similar, but have speckling on the wings, and males have pectinate antennae (simple in
Eudeilinia herminiata (a Drepanid) is also pure white, but has dark gray forelegs and usually has gray spots or light brown lines on wings (
2 )
Snowy Geometer (Eugonobapta nivosaria) has a more pointed hindwing and is generally larger
Print References
"Peterson's Field Guide to Moths", page 359, plate 48
(2)Internet References
Moth Photographers Group - range map, photos of living and pinned adults.
live adult images (Lynn Scott, Ontario)
adult images (Larry Line, Maryland)
pinned adult image (James Adams, Dalton State College, Georgia)
larva description (David Wagner and Valerie Giles, Caterpillars of Eastern Forests; USGS)