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Species Lomographa vestaliata - White Spring Moth - Hodges#6667

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A Monograph of the Geometrid or Phalaenidae of the United States.
By A. S. Packard
United States Geological Survey of the Territories 10: 1-599, 1876

On some new species of Geometrid moths from Arizona and California
By George W. Taylor
Entomological News Philadelphia 17:188-192, 1906

Descriptions of and notes on North American Geometridae (Lepidoptera). No. 3.
By Frederick H. Rindge, Charles P. Kimball, Loyd M. Martin
American Museum Novitates 1910: 1-24, 1958

Classification of the Geometrina of North America, with descriptions of new genera and species
By George D. Hulst
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 23: 245-386, 1896

The Moths of America North of Mexico Fascicle 18.1. Geometroidea, Geometridae (Part), Geometrinae
By Douglas C. Ferguson
The Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, 1985

Geometrid Diversity in a Red Spruce Forest
By A.W. Thomas
Canadian Forest Service, 2002
A detailed study of geometrid diversity in 4 red spruce forest plots; 1 an uncut control, 2 a selection cut, 3 a strip cut, and 4 a clear cut.
Available from: Canadian Forest Service - Atlantic Forestry Centre, PO Box 4000, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. E3B 5P7.
Also as a PDF document.

warning for dial-ups: the PDF verison is 7.38MB

List of Geometridae, collected on the museum expeditions to Utah, Arizona, Texas, with descriptions of new species
By Pearsall, R.F.
Bulletin of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1(8): 201-220, 1906
Pearsall, R.F., 1906. List of Geometridae, collected on the museum expeditions to Utah, Arizona, Texas, with descriptions of new species. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1(8): 201-220.

Geometroid Caterpillars of Northeastern and Appalachian Forests
By Wagner, David; Ferguson, Douglas; McCabe, Timothy; Reardon, Richard
Forest Service, US Dept of Agriculture, 2001
Out of print and overpriced at Amazon here but Steve Nanz just left the following find: I wasn't aware that Wagner had a Geometroid caterpillar book but now that I know, I see that and have it online. … Steve Nanz, 12 March, 2014

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