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Midge - Chaoborus flavicans - female

Midge - Chaoborus flavicans - Female
In Westwood by porch light; elevation 5100ft, Lassen County, California, USA
July 1, 2010
Size: Body length 7mm
Thank you for any further ID placement help with this midge.

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Midge - Chaoborus flavicans - female Midge - Chaoborus flavicans - female

Moved from Chaoborus. You are near the southern range limit of this species. It's conceivable this is the southernmost American sighting. The 1956(?) book of aquatic insects of California lists it from Modoc County only.

Hi John, Why was this move
Hi John,

Why was this moved to species? You indicated elsewhere that this subgenus cannot be determined further without microscopic examination? Thank you!


I forget all I looked at, other than Wirth's chapter on the aquatic Diptera of California. I know I did not have Cook's 1956 revision at the time.

I think the ID is supportable based on range. C. borealis is from northern Canada. C. americanus is probably absent from California. C. flavicans is known from northern California.

Thank you, John! I see the ot
Thank you, John! I see most of the others are no longer left at species.

Thanks John ...
... for your efforts with this midge. It is always nice to get a species ID for a midge; and especially when it provides new information in regards to its range. : )

Moved from Midges.

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