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Horse flies and deer flies of West Virginia: an illustrated key (Diptera, Tabanidae)
By Drees, B.M., L. Butler, and L.L. Pechuman
West Virginia University Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 674, 1980

The Diptera, or true flies, of Illinois I. Tabanidae
By Pechuman, L.L., D.W. Webb, & H.J. Teskey
Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 33: 1-121, 1983

The horse flies and deer flies of Maine (Diptera, Tabanidae)
By Pechuman L.L., Dearborn R.
Maine Agric. & Forest Exp. Sta. Technical bulletin 160, iv+24 pp., 1996

Tabanidae of Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains 2: a photographic key to the genera and species of Tabaninae...
By Thomas A.W.
CJAI 13, 2011
Part 1 in(1)

Tabanidae of Ohio with a catalogue and bibliography of the species from America north of Mexico
By James Stewart Hine
Columbus: Press of Spahr and Glenn, 1903
Read online or downloaded as a PDF from this Google Books link.

An old reference (57 pages, 2 plates). I have not used it in-depth, but it appears to have useful information and historical value...especially for anyone working with material from Ohio.

Of course, the catalogue and bibliography for nearctic taxa north of Mexico must be out of date here. For that, one should consult the more recent catalog of Burger(1).

A synopsis of the Tabanidae (Diptera) of Michigan
By Hays, K.L. 1956.
University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, 1956
Link to full PDF

Hays, K.L. 1956. A synopsis of the Tabanidae (Diptera) of Michigan. Miscellaneous Publications 98. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 79 pp.

Seven genera and 96 species and subspecies compose the known tabanid fauna of Michigan.

The horse and deer flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) of Texas
By Goodwin and Drees. 1996.
Southwestern Entomological Society, 1996
Full PDF (via Wayback Machine)

Goodwin, J.T., and B.M. Drees. 1996. The horse and deer flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) of Texas. Southwestern Entomologist Supplement No. 20. iii + 140 pp.


This publication is the first attempt to summarize available knowledge of the tabanid fauna of Texas. It is based on a combination of published records, recent collections, rearing of field-collected larvae and pupae, and examination of the collections of numerous universities, museums and private individuals. To date, 109 species of Tabanidae are known to occur in Texas. Twenty-three species are reported from the state for the first time and an additional 36 species thought to possibly occur in the state are discussed.

The horse flies and deer flies of Idaho
By Nowierski, R. M. and A. R. Gittins
Research Bulletin, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Idaho College of-Agriculture. 96, 1-48., 1976
Illustrations, distribution notes, keys to species

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