Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Live Oak Tussock moth - Orgyia detrita

Live Oak Tussock moth - Orgyia detrita
Lady Lake, Lake County, Florida, USA
April 17, 2006
When I found this larva, I tentavely ID'd it as Orgyia detrita, from Wagner's, found the adult form on MPG. I collected it, and put it in a cage for raising. This is the last instar, looks like a parasitic egg on it.

Images of this individual: tag all
Live Oak Tussock moth - Orgyia detrita Live Oak Tussock moth - Orgyia detrita - female Live Oak Tussock moth - Orgyia detrita - male - female Live Oak Tussock moth - Orgyia detrita - female

Great series!
Very informative

Thank you
very much Beatriz.

Excellent series, Machele!
These make a wonderful addition to the guide.

Thank you
Hannah, I was pretty excited when I seen it was a female, I was hoping I could get the whole process.