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Mayfly - Diphetor hageni - male

Mayfly - Diphetor hageni - Male
Elkton, Douglas County, Oregon, USA
September 3, 2010
Size: approx 5 - 6mm

Images of this individual: tag all
Mayfly - Diphetor hageni Mayfly - Diphetor hageni Mayfly - Diphetor hageni - male

Moved from Diphetor.

Moved from Mayflies.

Diphetor hageni

This mayfly has been identified by Kurt Schirmer on my entomology forum as a Diphetor hageni male subimago.

Pale blue-gray wings, pale grayish olive body with a Lt. tannish olive thorax, brick colored eyes, size, time of year, location - Fits the template. Lots of great memories with this little fella!

Diphetor hageni
Hi Roger,

I noticed you set up a species page, but the image was placed at genus. Did you want me to move it, or is it too soon?


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