Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Lophosis labeculata (Hulst, 1887)
Eois labeculata Hulst, 1887
syn. L. roseotincta
Phylogenetic sequence # 210600
the only species in this genus in North America
Wingspan about 14 mm. (Hulst, 1887)
Adult: male wings shiny purple with broad yellow terminal band separated from the purple by a sharp dividing line; female wings similar but with broad yellow AM band, and the terminal band is separated from the purple by a diffuse line broken into patches.

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Heppner (2003) listed the range as Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of New Jersey to Florida and Texas.
Also occurs in Cuba.
Adults are most common from April to October.
Heppner (2003) reported adults from January to August, October to December in Florida.
Heppner (2003) reported the larval host plant is unknown.
(7)See Also
Tricentrogyna violescens of the Neotropics is very similar, apparently does not range into the United States, see
Print References
Hulst, G.D. 1887. New species of Geometridae No. 3. Entomologica Americana, 2:
Hulst, G.D. 1896. Classification of the Geometrina of North America, with descriptions of new genera and species,
(1)Internet References
presence in New York; list (Timothy McCabe, Olive Natural Heritage Society, New York)
presence in Virginia; list and status of Species in Greatest Conservation Need (Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries)