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Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, Virginia, USA
May 6, 2011
Size: ~1.25 mm
I found this pale multi-legged bug under a rotting board in the garden. Possibly an immature myriapod.

Probably Pauropus
Based on habitus. Note both flagelli of sternal antennal branch subequal in length and the legs getting progessively larger to the rear. This is fairly typical for genera related to Pauropus and Stylopauropus, of which Pauropus is by far the most common member that does not have a distinctly truncated sternal antennal branch (as seen here.) The length and shape of the posterior 3 trichobothria are also useful, if far less reliable.

In Tetramerocerata
Based on keys in Scheller 2008.

It is a beautiful and mature pauropod (with 9 pairs of legs, 0.5~2.0 mm in length). This picture is amazing. How did you do this?

Moved from ID Request.

It is indeed a pauropod as sh
It is indeed a pauropod as shown by the branched antennae. Rowland Shelley

The branched antennae
(or what I take to be branched antennae), make me think Pauropoda:

But I know nothing about these critters, so hold out for a more informed opinion.

Thanks Ken
Thanks Ken. Looks just like it!

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