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Leafhopper IMG_8801 - Graminella sonora

Leafhopper IMG_8801 - Graminella sonora
Dry Tortugas National Park, Monroe County, Florida, USA
April 5, 2011

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Leafhopper IMG_8801 - Graminella sonora Leafhopper IMG_8801 - Graminella sonora

Moved from Deltocephalus.

Moved from Leafhoppers.

This looks like it ought to be either Amplicephalus or Graminella, but the wing venation isn't right for either; and no known species with this wing venation has that head pattern. Did you keep the specimen? Could you find more of them?

Deltocephalus sonorus?
How is this different from Deltocephalus sonorus?

Perhaps One Day
I did not collect it. I assume they breed there being that the island is pretty far out to sea.

The leafhopper came to a UV light which I set up in our camp site in the Dry Tortugas which is 70 miles west of Key West. It's a little closer to Cuba than mainland Florida. I do not expect to go back soon but you never know. If I hear of anyone going there next April, I'll see if we can collect one.

I added a top view.

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