Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Sympistis basifugens (Dyar, 1914)
Pseudacontia (Leucocnemis) basifugens Dyar, 1914
Oncocnemis basifugens
Oncocnemis tinkami McDunnough, 1933
Phylogenetic sequence # 931933
(1) Numbers
Lafontaine & Schmidt (2010) listed 176 species of the genus
Sympistis in America north of Mexico.
Lafontaine & Schmidt (2013) reinstated one species.
Adult: forewing basal area whitish or pale cream; median area dark gray, bounded basally by almost straight AM line, and distally by toothed convex PM line; pale shading beyond PM line blends into dark terminal area; reniform spot usually indistinct, pale with dark center; hindwing white with gray terminal band; fringe of all wings white (sometimes with scattered dark scales on forewing).
Specimen identified by DNA analysis (BOLD).
Arizona, Texas.
Holotype from Sabinal, Uvalde County, Texas.
See Also
Oncocnemis chalybdis and piffardi forewing has concave PM line, not convex; O. extremis forewing median area not completely filled with dark gray; O. saundersiana forewing has double AM and PM lines, more distinct reniform and orbicular spots, and a black band running through median area.
Print References
Dyar, H.G. 1914. New American Lepidoptera.
Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 2(11):
Lafontaine J.D. & B.C. Schmidt 2010. Annotated check list of the Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of North America north of Mexico.
ZooKeys 40: 59-64.
Lafontaine, J.D. & BC. Schmidt 2013. Additions and corrections to the check list of the Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of North America north of Mexico.
ZooKeys 264: 230, 234.