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Beetle Pupa - Neopyrochroa femoralis

Beetle Pupa - Neopyrochroa femoralis
Stow, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA
May 13, 2006
Size: 15mm

Images of this individual: tag all
Beetle Larva - Neopyrochroa femoralis Beetle Pupa - Neopyrochroa femoralis Fire-colored Beetle - Neopyrochroa femoralis - male Fire-colored Beetle - Neopyrochroa femoralis - male Fire-colored Beetle - Neopyrochroa femoralis - male

you really KICK A__ man (and that is an understatement too). i look up to you man, seriously. keep up the great work, i dont know what bugguide would be without your 400 some PAGES of photos.

I'm a bit obsessive about photographing bugs, and having contributors like yourself and many others identifying what I post, makes me look for more. I spend most of my free time during the day in the field with camera in hand, and at night on the computer. Even so, my contributions are still just a fraction of the over 52,000 images on Bugguide, from all over North America.
Thanks for for the wonderful compliment, and now if this rain ever lets up.

i only give compliment where i feel are necessary. so it takes alot for me to compliment somebody. not only do you photograph, but you document and you keep.
tell me about the rain man, 8 staraight days and counting. crazy.

I've never seen spines like that.
The various spines on the pupae we're rearing should provide a means of identification among genera at least. I've got some images to post that have some unique ones as well.

It matured
It's a Fire-colored Beetle. Not sure which one though.

Neopyrochroa femoralis
I know what fooled me about this one. The normally elongate, flattened larva was shortened and plumped up just prior to pupating, and that made it look like something I'd never seen before.

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