Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
formerly treated as part of Rhagionidae
(1)Explanation of Names
Bolbomyiidae Stuckenberg 2001
a single genus with 4 spp., all in our area
Adult generic description of Bolbomyia:
Vertex nearly flush with eyes, eyes bare, holoptic or narrowly separated in males, upper facets of male enlarged, antennal flagellum with an enlarged basal flagellomere bearing an apical 2 segmented pseudostylus no longer than basal flagellomere.
Scutellum fairly large, unarmed, with a convex hairy disc, subscutellum absent or very weakly developed; posterior thoracic spiracle never with a scale-like elevation immediately behind it.
Legs simple, never dilated, at most with hind femur somewhat clubbed; hind coxa usually with small tubercle anteriorly; mid tibial spurs present although sometimes small, 1-2 present on hind tibia, fore tarsus with tactile hairs below, laterotergite haired.
Wings always present, C continuing around wing margin, branches of R and M diverging to apical wing margin; Rs arising far before base of cell d or dm, crossvein r-m usually well before, rarely at middle of cell d/dm, branches of M joining margin far below apex of wing and without a composite 'diagonal vein', cell d or dm present, near wing center, M2 branched, M3 absent, crossvein m-cu absent, CuA1 broadly confluent with underside of cell dm, CuA2 free or meeting A1 in an acute angle near wing margin, anal lobe and alula developed, alular incision present, calypters small
Omitting the bolded characters, the description above also works for Rhagionidae.