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Stink bug or Squash bug? - Anasa tristis

Stink bug or Squash bug? - Anasa tristis
Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, USA
June 12, 2011
Size: 4 or 5 cm

Moved from Leaf-footed Bugs.

Moved from ID Request.

Coreid, not Pentatomid
And probably something in/near Anasa (Squash Bugs). Others may be able to give you something more definitive.

I have now found spot on images under Anasa tristis. Am I expected to tag/link the image to that species in some way? Please inform.

A spot on resemblance
isn't necessarily enough to provide a reliable, species level ID.

I recommend tagging and moving the image to Coreidae or (if you're feeling bold) to Anasa. Let the experts decide how far the ID can be taken and whether or not the image should remain in the Guide.

If you need help with the move, just let me know.

And pardon me for not welcoming you to BugGuide. I hadn't noticed that this was your first contribution. :)

Appreciate the advice
and thank you for the welcome.

Frankly I have no idea how to move the image into Coreidae.

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