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fly from gopher tortoise commensal trap - Eutrichota gopheri - female

fly from gopher tortoise commensal trap - Eutrichota gopheri - Female
near Inverness, Sumter County, Florida, USA
June 9, 2011

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fly from gopher tortoise commensal trap - Eutrichota gopheri - female fly from gopher tortoise commensal trap - Eutrichota gopheri - female

Moved from Eutrichota.

Moved from ID Request.

Eutrichota gopheri
It appears that this is Eutrichota gopheri.

How did you identify this fly? It seems to be near Eutrichota gopheri (missing pre-alar, similar color pattern), but according to Griffiths' revision the legs of E. gopheri should be entirely yellow, including tarsi.

I'm not sure exactly how I ID'd it.
Are the tarsi supposed to be yellow in both sexes, or could there be some dimorphism?

Should be yellow
Griffiths explicitly says the tarsi of the male are yellow, lists color differences in female, and says the female is otherwise like the male.

Given the other similarities and the habitat I have to agree with your ID and call the dark tarsi an allowable variation. Griffiths had no credible records of any Eutrichota from a non-rodent burrow except E. gopheri from gopher tortoise burrows.

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