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Pterocheilus - female

Pterocheilus - Female
Lockwood Valley Road near Wagonroad Canyon, Ventura County, California, USA
May 19, 2006
Size: ~14mm
Feeding in Asclepias vestita.

Please see companion image for remarks.

Images of this individual: tag all
Pterocheilus - female Pterocheilus - female Pterocheilus - female Pterocheilus - female

Note Pollinium on fore tarsi
Great shot! Mike

and thanks for the reminder. I have a whole series of images of various insects with Asclepias pollinia.

a whole series of images with Asclepias pollinaria

I think I found a fair number of these images. I think it would be *most instructive* to post them all in one location, if possible.

Thanks much! Mike

Mike, I'm wondering if this thread was a progenitor of...
...your nice "pollin(ar)ia image" compilation web page here? ;-)

PS: FYI, I added a link to that page on the BG pollinaria glossary page...which also indirectly encourages folks to look for insects with orchid pollinaria as well!

In "Forums"
there's an articles section which would be an appropriate place to post such images with some explanations, best including drawings showing morphology of Asclepias flowers. If you'd like to work on that, I'd be happy to help (though I don't have much time right now).
This kind of information might help some make better observations.
Are you familiar with the Pollinator Conservation Digital Library ( 1)?

Oh, wow.
You can really see the distinctive "beard" in this image! That character is pretty diagnostic for the genus. Great job:-) Thanks, also, for paying attention to the wasps. You are single-lensedly adding many species to our Hymenoptera database.

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