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Unknown beetle larva? - Cybister

Unknown beetle larva? - Cybister
Pella, IA, Marion County, Iowa, USA
June 18, 2011
Size: approx 2 inches
I found a couple of these unknown specimens yesterday while at a wetland near Lake Red Rock. The biggest one was a couple inches long. Could someone help me identify it?

Moved from ID Request.

Unknown beetle larva
Thank you very much for your help and quick responses!

Cybister fimbriolatus
By distribution -- this is the wide-ranging species.

Looks like Cybister to me too
Where I am (East Texas) that would definitely be Cybister, I don't know if there are any look-alikes further north though.

Dytiscid, I expect.
It bears a resemblance to Cybister:

But don't hold me to the genus. Wait to hear from the experts.

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