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Genus Agulla

Snakefly - Agulla - female Silver Star Mountain Snakefly - Agulla Snakefly on Poison Oak - Agulla - male Snakefly - Agulla Agulla Agulla species - Agulla - female Snakefly - Agulla Genus Alena - Agulla
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Rhaphidioptera (Snakeflies)
Family Raphidiidae (Typical Snakeflies)
Genus Agulla
Explanation of Names
Agulla Navás, 1914
17 spp. in 4 subgenera in our area(1)
Agulla (Agulla)
1. Agulla (Agulla) arnaudi: CA
2. Agulla (Agulla) assimilis: AB, BC; CA, OR
3. Agulla (Agulla) arizonica: AB, BC; AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, OR, UT, WA, WY
4. Agulla (Agulla) astuta: AZ, CA
5. Agulla (Agulla) barri: CA, NV
6. Agulla (Agulla) bicolor: BC; AZ, CA, CO, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA
7. Agulla (Agulla) bractea: CA
8. Agulla (Agulla) crotchi: CA
9. Agulla (Agulla) faulkneri: CA
10. Agulla (Agulla) flexa:AZ, NM
11. Agulla (Agulla) herbsti: AB, CB; CA, ID, OR, MT, NV, WA
Agulla (Californoraphidia)
12. Agulla (Californoraphidia) nigrinotum: CA
Agulla (Franciscoraphidia)
13. Agulla (Franciscoraphidia) directa: CA
Agulla (Glavia)
14. Agulla (Glavia) adnixa: AB, BC; AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY
15a. Agulla (Glavia) modesta adryte: CA
15b. Agulla (Glavia) modesta aphynphte: CA
15c. Agulla (Glavia) modesta aphyrte: AZ, NM
15d. Agulla (Glavia) modesta banksi: CA
15e. Agulla (Glavia) modesta modesta: CO, UT
16. Agulla (Glavia) paramerica: CA
17. Agulla (Glavia) unicolor: BC; CA, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA
Forewing 8 - 12 mm(2)
Head kite-shaped; ocelli present but may be hard to see; pterostigma yellowish-brown, bisected by a veinlet.
Key by Carpenter (1936) is more complete than that by Banks (1911).

Agulla vs Alena (per Jonathan Hoskins):(3) "Alena are smaller species, so some of the distinction ends up being similar to Leptomantispa versus Dicromantispa in terms of wing venation (refer to Fig. 2A for terminology). In Alena, there are fewer branched radial veins (see RA and RP) and fewer costal/subcostal veinlets (above and perpendicular to Sc). So as with the aforementioned Mantispidae, it's a count of the "wishbones" along the edge of the forewing. There's also a much greater distance between where the subcosta (Sc) meets the edge of the forewing and the pterostigma in Alena (proportionally a 2x difference). Alena that I've seen also don't have as elongate a pterostigma and have the angle of its veinlet steeper, such that it's closer to the proximal edge than distal edge (closer to the distal in Agulla)."

w. NA (BC‒CA to AB‒CO‒TX)(1)
A. bicolor in c. TX taken Mar‒May, primarily on Juniperus ashei(4)
See Also

Alena is sympatric in AZ, CA, s. CO, NM, & s. UT(5)
Print References
Acker, Thomas S. (1966). Courtship and Mating Behavior in Agulla Species (Neuroptera: Raphidiidae), Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer., 59(1): 1–6 (Full Text)
Aspöck U. (1974) Die Raphidiopteren der Nearktis (Insecta, Neuropteroidea). Dissertation. Univ. Wien 1974: 1-238.
Aspöck, U. (1975) The present state of knowledge on the Raphidioptera of America (Insecta: Neuropteroidea). Polskie Pismo ent. (Bull. ent. Pol.) 45: 537–546. (Full Text)
Aspöck, H., U. Aspöck, and H. Rausch. (1991) Die Raphidiopteren der Erde. Goecke & Evers Verlag, +Dürerstrasse 13, D-4150 Krefeld, Germany. 1648 DM. Volume 1, 730 pages. Volume 2, 550 pages, with 3065 illustrations and 206 distribution maps.
Banks, Nathan. (1911). Descriptions of New Species of North American Neuropteroid Insects. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 37(4): 335-360. (Full text)
Carpenter F.M. (1936) Revision of the Nearctic Raphidiodea (Recent and fossil). Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 71: 89-157. (Full Text)
Tilden, J. W. (1951). A note on the manner of feeding in Agulla adnixa Hagan. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 27(4): 192 (Full Text)
Woglum, R. S. & McGregor, E. A. (1958). Observations on the life history and morphology of Agulla bractea Carpenter (Neuroptera: Raphidiodea: Raphidiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 51:129-141 (Full Text)
Woglum, R. S. & McGregor, E. A. (1959). Observations on the life history and morphology of Agulla astuta (Banks) (Neuroptera: Raphidiodea: Raphidiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 52:489-502 (Full Text)
Woglum, R. S. & McGregor, E. A. (1964). A new snakefly from southern California (Neuroptera: Raphidiidae). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 63:201-203 (Full Text)
Internet References
Works Cited
1.Species catalog of the Neuroptera, Megaloptera, and Raphidioptera of America North of Mexico
Penny N.D., Adams P.A., Stange L.A. 1997. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 50: 39‒114.
2.Revision of the Nearctic Raphidiodea (recent and fossil)
Carpenter F.M. 1936. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 71: 89‒157.
3.Overexposed snakefly
4.Abundance and distribution of potential arthropod prey species in a typical Golden-cheeked Warbler habitat.
Quinn, M.A. 2000. Unpublished Thesis. Texas A&M University, College Station. ix + 182 pp.
5.Phylogeny and biogeography of the unique snakefly genus Alena Navás, 1916 (Raphidioptera: Raphidiidae)
Martins C., Aspöck H., Aspöck U., Contreras-Ramos A. 2022. Arthropod Sys. Phylog. 80: 39‒58.
6.Photo gallery of the Spencer Entomological Collection