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Hadena caelestis - Hodges #10322.1 - Hadena circumvadis

Hadena caelestis - Hodges #10322.1 - Hadena circumvadis
Cottonwood Gulch, 2 miles southeast of Nelson, Mt, Lewis and Clark County, Montana, USA
July 11, 2011
Size: medium
Attracted to blacklights. Elevation about 4400'.

Moved to Hadena circumvadis
Moved from Hadena caelestis.

I'm moving this to Hadena circumvadis but please let me know if that is an error as I'm adding it to MPG as well.

Moved from Moths.

Very nice!

Hadena circumvadis?
Based on range, I'm wondering if this might be Hadena circumvadis. Troubridge & Crabo (2002) mentions that on the Great Plains that it cannot be confused with any other species having white patches at apex, tornus and postbasal areas.

Yes, I agree that this is H.
Yes, I agree that this is H. circumvadis. I've photographed other specimens of circumvadis, at my residence west of Helena, over the years since this was posted. Thanks for your work.

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