An Illustrated Inventory of the Beetles (Coleoptera) of Lick Creek Park, College Station, Texas
By Edward G. Riley
Welcome to the world of
Lick Creek Park Beetles, ...
With the gracious assistance of Iowa State University Entomology,
BugGuide, and the BugGuide community, I present the results of an on-going beetle (Coleoptera) inventory of Lick Creek Park, College Station, Texas. I have sampled beetle diversity at the park since 1996 employing most conceivable beetle sampling techniques.
My goals are several, but first and foremost is my desire to inventory in great detail a representative beetle fauna of the Post-Oak Savannah region of Texas. What better place to do this than at Lick Creek Park, College Station, Brazos Co., Texas. Map
List statistics:
Total species on list = 1,850 [this number represents ca. 23% of the beetle species documented for Texas].
2) Species recorded from Lick Creek Park, those labeled "confirmed" = 1,475.
3) Additional species likely to be found at Lick Creek Park, those labeled "probable" = 375 [these have been documented from a site comprised of similar habitat located approximately 3 miles from the park].
4) Species on the list not identified to species level, those indicated as "sp." = 244 [the taxonomy of many groups of beetles is far behind that of better-known organisms].
For almost all species on this list, voucher specimens from Lick Creek Park and/or nearby sites are preserved and archived in the Texas A&M University Insect Collection (
EGR, January 14, 2013