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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
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Something nymph - Heterotoma planicornis

Something nymph - Heterotoma planicornis
Salt Lake City, N40°46.727'W111°52.629'ele4609', Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
May 29, 2006
Size: 3mm includes antenna
A rather frenetic insect, antennae constantly in motion. Behaves like a cross between a Salticidid and an ant on hot pavement. Adult versions have been noticed (antenna motion is the give away), none have tarried long enough to capture physically or digitally. Suggestions appreciated.

Utah, new home to oh so many...
Dr Schwartz (AMNH) says, "The photos from SLC are a new record for NA away from the coasts."
but first, "All North American photos for Heterotoma merioptera (Scopoli, 1763) should be placed under H. planicornis (Pallas, 1772)."
i and/or WonGun will be taking care of the guide page

A point to consider...
about SLC (and Utah) that as it was settled and new people arrived over the years, they brought along plants from home that most likely introduced a variety of insects.

Moved from Heterotoma.

Moved from Plant Bugs.

Probably a mirid. Many western species are stunning ant mimics. What a great image!

I agree!
I agree. But why are it's antennas so thick?

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