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Order Diptera - Flies

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The Anthomyiidae of California, Exclusive of the subfamily Scatophaginae (Diptera).
A useful resource for taxa as described in the title. Written H. C. Huckett by in 1971. Keys, distribution data, and figures...but unfortunately no detailed descriptions.

The "visit" link below will prompt you to download a PDF (an 11.5 MB file) of the entire monograph (121 pages, 111 figs, 27 maps)

Blow flies of North America: Keys to the subfamilies and genera of Calliphoridae
Full title: Blow flies of North America: Keys to the subfamilies and genera of Calliphoridae, and to the species of the subfamilies Calliphorinae, Luciliinae and Chrysomyinae

The subfamilies, genera, and most frequently encountered species of North American Calliphoridae are reviewed, including a comprehensive pictorial key to the forensically important blow flies of North America. Distribution maps are provided for all species.

Blow Flies of Eastern Canada
"Blow flies (Diptera; Calliphoridae) of eastern Canada with a key to Calliphoridae subfamilies and genera of eastern North America, and a key to the eastern Canadian species of Calliphorinae, Luciliinae and Chrysomyiinae"

An interactive regional key, full of color glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was.

Keys to the Genera and Species of Blow Flies (Diptera:Calliphoridae) of America North of Mexico - Terry Whitworth
This is a link to a pdf file of Dr. Terry Whitworth's paper on Calliphoridae that appeared in the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington in June of 2006. The key has many beautifully detailed illustrations and there is also a simple key that will allow one to discriminate calliphorids from other similar Diptera. I emailed him in January 2008 and he generously agreed to share this paper from his web site link (

The Fruit Flies (Tephritidae) of Ontario
The Fruit Flies (Tephritidae) of Ontario
Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification No. 15 (May, 2011)
M.D. Jackson, S.A. Marshall, R. Hanner, A.L.Norrbom

Steck G.J., Sutton B.D. (2002) Tephritid flies of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Jump to the checklist (click thumbnails to get to species pages)

Norrbom A.L. (2004-2010) Fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) taxonomy pages

Carroll L.E. , White I.M., Freidberg A., Norrbom A.L., Dallwitz M.J., Thompson F.C. (2002‒2019). Pest fruit flies of the world
Fact sheets covering ~200 spp. in 35 genera

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