Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Order Diptera - Flies

Field/Photo ID for Flies: Fly Guide
Created by Even Dankowicz, and maintained by Zachary and Even Dankowicz.

Flies of Illinois
Our own Angella Moorehouse has been photographing plants and bugs in Illinois for years and she has put together a free downloadable guide to many of the flies she has photographed in Illinois. You will likely find it useful throughout much of the Midwest and Northeast. Enjoy! Thank you, Angella!
arguably, world's most vibrant and influential forum, image gallery, and info resource on Diptera


Nearctic Diptera (Discover Life's IDnature guide)

Identification Key to the Common Forensically Important Adult Flies (Diptera) of Northern Kentucky
Information and keys to important forensic flies in Kentucky.

Includes nice illustrations of fly anatomy, key to calyptrate families, and a key to species of Calliphoridae.


The Diptera Site
apparently a spinoff of(1); edited by Irina Brake, NHM London.
well worth exploring

Evenhuis N.L. (ed.) Catalog of the Diptera of the Australasian and Oceanian regions (online version)

Thompson F.C., Pape T., Evenhuis N.L. (2013) Systema Dipterorum, Version 1.5
Resource formerly maintained by USDA(1) and extensively cited in the guide as BDWD.
One important piece of info i don't see yet at the new site is the stats summary.