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Woodland moth - Olethreutes mysteriana

Woodland moth - Olethreutes mysteriana
Harms Woods forest preserve, Glenview, Cook County, Illinois, USA
July 19, 2011
Size: ~10mm

Olethreutes mysteriana - Hodges #2799.1
Moved from Moths.

The specimen labeled (jflandry1096) on BOLD is a good match and so are the photos at
Your very nice photo is the first on Bug Guide showing details of the transverse lines!

maybe Olethreutes mysteriana - Hodges #2799.1
These can be difficult but I did a quick scan through the plates at Moth Photographers Group comparing your photo rotated on my pc. Check out the pinned U.S. Nat'l. Museum specimen at MPG

Thanks for the link, Maury. The one you point out
is a great match for ours, but it is so different from the other images posted there. Very curious!

Try BOLD for pinned photos. I tried yesterday and this morning, but the site is having problems. Apparently the google maps are hanging up and preventing the page from loading. Hopefully they will fix it soon!

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