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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Aeschnidae: Aeshna umbrosa? - Aeshna interrupta

Aeschnidae: Aeshna umbrosa? - Aeshna interrupta
Grand Forks, Grand Forks County, North Dakota, USA
July 29, 2011
Size: Length ~ 7 cm
I need some help with this specimen. My best guess is that this may be a Shadow Darner, but I'm probably wrong about that. I don't stumble across too many dragonflies--other than Variable Darners--whilst chasing after moths. This individual looks different that the Variable Darners I see. ;-) Thanks for any and all help with the ID. I'll provide four photos.

Images of this individual: tag all
Aeschnidae: Aeshna umbrosa? - Aeshna interrupta Aeschnidae: Aeshna umbrosa? - Aeshna interrupta Aeschnidae: Aeshna umbrosa? - Aeshna interrupta Aeschnidae: Aeshna umbrosa? - Aeshna interrupta Aeschnidae: Aeshna umbrosa? - Aeshna interrupta

Moved from Dragonflies.

Darner not umbrosa
Sorry to burst the bubble, it is a Variable Darner. Those thin thoracic stripes indicate it can't be anything else. With female darners, with the exception of Lance-tipped, a shot of the cerci isn't as important as getting a shot of the thoracic stripes and a facial shot to indicate the presence (or lack of) a facial stripe. The abdominal pattern can be useful too.

Thanks, DeeDee!
I guess that's what happens when one looks a but too hard for a uncommon species--I can turn a variable darner into 5-6 other species with a little imagination! And that's why I depend upon Odontophiles like you! ;-) Thanks for the helpful correction!

PS: I added an anterior view. Please frass all images that are not useful. Thanks!