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beetle larva? - Chlaenius

beetle larva? - Chlaenius
Harvard, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA
June 8, 2006
Size: 6.5mm
This ended up in my net that I ran through the edge of the water and grass in the Nashua River. I first noticed it eating a midge on my net.



Moved from Ground Beetles.

Thanks Margaret
It does look very similar to this Galerita larva.

Chlaenius, most likely subg. Chlaeniellus
Kirill Makarov det.

Staphylinid larva
Thanks Boris.

not a staphylinid - a carabid
The flattened head, basally fixed/fused urogomphi (the pair of processes on abdominal segment 9), and extra leg segment (separate tarsus and claw) compared to staphs (fused "tarsungulus") say Carabidae (ground beetle). I imagine someone who knows carabid larvae would recognize it in an instant, as it's very distinctive. I don't think any staph larvae are this darkly pigmented, but I know that happens in some carabids (like Galerita, which has a very different form).

I think, its a Staphylinid larva

Water Beetle Larvae?
Looks like it could be the larvae of the Great Diving Beetle or something similar.

I agree
it's most likely some sort of water beetle larvae, but I have no Idea which family it would belong to. I hope one of the beetle experts comments. Thanks Brittanie.

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