Other Common Names
Cellar Spider, Daddy Longlegs
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Body length roughly 5mm or less.
(1) This species is smaller than the other two introduced
Dr. Bernhard Huber's 2011 revision of the genus
Pholcus includes some habitus images of the male on page 343 (see:
Looks very similar to our other two introduced (non-native) species of Pholcus. We do not often come in contact with the Pholcus species that are actually endemic (native) to the USA, but those could also be mistaken for P. manueli (there's ~10 species found mostly in the Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama area, often in caves).
Pholcus manueli has two dark, vertical stripes on the clypeus (the space between the bottom row of eyes and the beginning of the chelicerae), while
P. phalangioides &
P. opilionoides do not. The dark medial mark on the carapace of
P. manueli is more distinctly divided than the medial mark on
P. phalangioides. And
P. opilionoides can be separated from the others by the dark marks on the lateral border of their carapace.
P. phalangioides also gets bigger than the other two species, twice as large in many cases. Also, Gertsch
(3) noted that the eyes are much more closely grouped in
P. manueli than in
P. phalangioides.
    P. manueli   vs.   P. phalangioides     vs. P. opilionoides
Midwestern & northeastern United States (specific localities in published literature include IL, KS, ME, MN, NJ, OH, PA
[At the 2011 AAS meeting, Jonathan Edwards (Miami University, Ohio) presented a talk about the dispersal of this species. Of note is that it "
has recently expanded its range in North America and is now abundant and successful throughout the Midwest" (from the talk
Synanthropic: typically associated with humans and found indoors.
Life Cycle
Female bundles eggs in a few strands of silk and carries them in her jaws until they hatch.
Contributed by
Mandy Howe on 19 August, 2011 - 10:13am
Additional contributions by
cheinsLast updated 13 February, 2016 - 12:24am