Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Núñez et al. (2022)
(1) used molecular and morphological data to split up
Agraulis vanillae (Linnaeus) into eight species. The species in the United States, Mexico, and much of Central America is
Agraulis incarnata (Riley). True
Agraulis vanillae is found in northern South America, Panama, and the southern Lesser Antilles.
Wingspan 63 - 95 mm (2 1/2 - 3 3/4 inches).
Below, the elongated silvery spots on the butterfly's hind wings and the edge of its forewings are characteristic (though quite similar to the pattering of
Dione moneta). Above, bright orange with black markings around the border and three black-rimmed white spots on each forewing.
Larvae are generally orange with black branched spines and greenish-black stripes.
There is a larval variant with purple/lavender stripes, seen mostly in Texas.
Eggs are yellow, laid singly on leaves of host plants.
NM-FL-NJ-CO, CA / W. Indies / Mex. to southern S. Amer. (MPG data)
Adults move northward in spring and form temporarily breeding colonies throughout the southeast. Individual vagrants may occasionally reach into the central U.S., but rarely into the Midwest. Starting in late summer and continuing through fall, huge numbers of adults migrate southward into peninsular Florida.
mostly: Mar-Nov (MPG data)
Larvae feed on Passion Flower - Passiflora spp.
See Also
Zebra Longwing caterpillars also host on Passiflora. They are white with black spines and brown spots.