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Species Porcellio spinicornis - Brickwork Woodlouse

I have these in my house and can't find out what they are,  was told they were silverfish,  but they don't match any pictures - Porcellio spinicornis Unknown Bug - Porcellio spinicornis Almost looks like an isopod, doesn't it? - Porcellio spinicornis type of sow? - Porcellio spinicornis Sowbug - Porcellio spinicornis Daily visitors in August - Porcellio spinicornis What is this? - Porcellio spinicornis  Oniscidea - Woodlice  Porcellio spinicornis - Porcellio spinicornis
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Crustacea (Crustaceans)
Class Malacostraca (Malacostracans)
Superorder Peracarida (Marsupial Crustaceans)
Order Isopoda (Isopods)
No Taxon (Scutocoxifera)
Suborder Oniscidea (Woodlice)
Infraorder Holoverticata
No Taxon (Orthogonopoda)
No Taxon (Crinocheta)
Family Porcellionidae
Genus Porcellio
Species spinicornis (Brickwork Woodlouse)
Explanation of Names
Porcellio spinicornis Say 1818
10-15 mm
"Broad, flattened species. The markings are characteristic: the head is dark brown and the back is marked with a dark central stripe, flanked by 2 rows of yellow spots on a pale background. The first two pairs of pleopods possess pleopodal lungs."
native to so. Europe, adventive in NA (se. Canada; MI, WI, AR, Great Lakes)(1), across ne US per BG data
Internet References