Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Strobisia iridipennella Clemens, 1860
Strobisia aphroditeella Chambers, 1872
Phylogenetic sequence #420496.00
Explanation of Names
Specific epithet from Latin meaning "iridescent wings."
Adult: forewing slender, dark brown to blackish with three iridescent blue streaks evenly-spaced along costa (and projecting at right-angles toward middle of wing); another blue steak in basal area, and three blue spots in median area; subterminal area with three pale but faint whitish patches; hindwing dark gray to blackish, either unmarked or with a few whitish dots in median area; legs banded black and white; remainder of body dark gray to blackish.
Eastern United States: New York to Florida, west to Texas and Illinois.
See Also
Strobisia proserpinella has spots in median area replaced by a single streak short perpendicular to the inner margin near the anal angle. It also has two spots in the basal area instead of a single streak.
Print References
Clemens, B., 1860. Contributions to American Lepidopterology. - No. 3.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 12:
Walsingham, Lord. 1910 Tineina, Pterophorina, Orneodina, and Pyralidina and Hepialina (part).
Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Heterocera.. 4: