Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Resapamea passer (Guenée, 1852)
Luperina passer(1)
Includes as synonyms Resapamea virguncula [9390] and Resapamea morna [9392].
* Phylogenetic sequence #932368
Six species are found in America north of Mexico.
Adult: forewing pale to dark brown, sometimes reddish-brown; spots black; top of claviform spot thick and conspicuous; orbicular spot outline thin; reniform spot heavier but broken; lines inconspicuous, though PM and terminal lines partially edged with black; subterminal line orangish-brown, indistinct; hindwing pale grayish-brown with yellowish fringe
[adapted from description by Charles Covell]
all of Canada, including the arctic, south in the east to New Jersey and Maryland, south in the west to Texas, Arizona, and California
forest clearings and roadsides; adults are nocturnal and attracted to light
adults fly from May to October in the south, as far north as Ohio (two broods); June to August in Quebec and farther north (one brood)
Life Cycle
two generations per year as far north as Ohio; one generation in Quebec and farther north
Print References
Lafontaine J. D., and B. C. Schmidt 2010. Annotated check list of the Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of North America North of Mexico. p. 76; 148.
Handfield, Louis. 1999. Les Guides des Papillons du Quebec. Broquet. 662 pp.
Internet References
pinned adult images of dark and light forms (James Adams, Dalton State College, Georgia)
pinned adult image (Bruce Walsh, Moths of Southeastern Arizona)
adult images (Larry Line, Maryland)
distribution in Canada list of provinces and territories (U. of Alberta, using CBIF data)
presence in Yukon; PDF doc plus habitat and foodplants (J.D. Lafontaine and D.M. Wood, Butterflies and Moths of the Yukon)