Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
First described in 1923 by
William T. Davis
Tibicen parallelus
Changes in Generic status from Tibicen to Hadoa also results in changes from -us to -a in the endings of the species assigned to this new Taxon.
NOTE - Tibicen parallelus:
little if any frosted grey pruinosity
black pronotum & pronotal collar
slight orange patterning in the mesonotum
narrower wing margin than seen in chiricahua
dark eyes ("Charcoal to Blackish in color")
The call of this cicada is very odd and best described as an alternating pulsy whine interrupted by crackling static. Don't know why Sci-Fi writers/producers haven't yet used the call of this cicada as a sound effect ;)
Please bear with us ;)
The Tibicen guide pages are still under construction. Western taxa have long been more difficult to id. based on limited lit. and considerable confusion interpreting original descriptions.
See Also
"SMALL Tibicen Species"
Several of these smaller and "mostly western" species appear quite divergent from the eastern members and may deserve separate Generic status. (Additional work is much needed to better understand the species' relationships within this Genus.)
NOTE: As mentioned, the above arrangement is "hypothetical" and much of it is based on older classification schemes (+ per. observ. and per. comm.). Additional genetic analysis and detailed morphological studies may reveal different taxonomic relationships.