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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Urania fulgens

Urania fulgens
South Pasadena, Pinellas County, Florida, USA
October 19, 2011
Size: About 4 cm long
Sorry it's a bit out of focus! Saw it at 5:30 PM resting upside down on the south wall of my atrium.

Moved from Salt Marsh Moth.

Welcome to Bugguide!
This is a great find, but he's been mistakenly placed in the Salt Marsh Moth - Hodges#8131 (Estigmene acrea) page, and should be moved to the Urania fulgens - Hodges#7658 (Urania fulgens) page here:

Urania Flugens
Thank you, I don't know how it got there - I'm new at this!