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The ground-beetles (Carabidae, excl. Cicindelinae) of Canada and Alaska, parts 1—6
By C.H. Lindroth
Opuscula Entomologica Supplementa XX, XXIV, XXIX, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV, 1961
Cite: 592436 with citation markup [cite:592436]
Updated 11 April 2024. Here are links to download Lindroth in two parts. I am still missing pages 421-422. Let me know if any other pages are missing.

Part 1 (to page 648)

Part 2 (pages 649+)

Updated links
I've added links to download this publication from my online cloud storage. Apologies to anyone who has posted here or emailed me without a response.

Missing pages noted below are included in this version (1002-1061; 656-657; 792-795)

I am stilling missing important pages 421-422 of the Tachys (Elaphropus) section and would appreciate anyone who can share scans of those pages so I can insert them to make a complete copy.

If any other pages are missing, please let me know.

available online
from the Western Forest Insect Work Conference. Not OCRed and obviously someone's personal annotated copy

missing pages from the version?
thanks so much for the link, Steve! does anyone have pages 1002-1061? sadly, the copy is missing these :(

that file has many pages out of order
it jumps from 1001 to 446 and from 525 to 1062. are the missing pages misplaced somewhere else in the file?

edit: i just scrolled thru the whole file and those pages aren't misplaced internally. pages 792-795 are also missing

argh! just put out an s.o.s.
argh! just put out an s.o.s. on Twitter.

better copy
i haven't really dug into this too deeply, but it seems to be complete. regardless, it's MUCH easier to read!

pp 656 - 657
missing in this higher res version. I don't think I've ever seen a complete "good" scan of this phenomenal work. Hopefully the poorer version will give you the missing two pages.

Hi Brad do you still have a copy of these PDFs available? If so could I trouble you for a copy?

Hi! Do you still have the pd
Do you still have the pdfs for this book?
If yes, could you please send them to me?
Thank you.

Just send me an email.

PDF's of The ground beetles of Canada and Alaska
Hi Brad,

would you be willing to send these to me?


The ground-beetles (Carabidae, excl. Cicindelinae) of Canada and

If you still have these pdfs I would very much like to have a copy them, sir, and I would be in your debt if you would send them to me.
(Our lab only has one hard-copy version of the series and the taxonomy class had laid claim to them, making my job as a tech more difficult :D )


Bill Sweeney (

Hello, if you still have the
Hello, if you still have the pdf of the Ground-Beetles of Canada and Alaska, I'm interested. The links doesn't appear. I've got a lot of carabidae to identify. I usually used the Larochelle keys but I wish to confirm with others authors.
Sorry for my bad english.

contact me via email

ground beetles of canada and alaska
Hi Brad

Could you email me the PDFS (or just the section on Notiophilus?). Whichever is easiest for you.

my email is


Could you email me the Lindroth pdfs?
Brad, If you still have the Lindroth pdfs available, could you email them to me? (

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