Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Depressaria radiella (Goeze, 1783)
Tinea radiella Goeze, 1783
Haemilis pastinacella Duponchel, 1838
Depressaria ontariella Bethune, 1870
Depressaria caucasica Christoph, 1877
Depressaria heracliana of authors not (Linnaeus, 1758); misidentification
Larvae feed exclusively on parsnip, plant rich on furanocoumarins, highly toxic chemicals (
Also recorded on Heracleum maximum.Life Cycle
Life cycle images:
1.larvae in plant shelter 2.larva 3.larva feeding on stem of Heracleum maximum
Introduced species, first detected in North America in 1869.
Linnaeus in his description of heracliana actually had two species. Bradley (1966) applied heracliana to what is now Agonopterix heracliana (extralimital). To the other species, the name D. pastinacella (Duponchel) was applied. Karsholt et al. (2004), determined that Depressaria radiella (Goeze, 1783: 162) (Phalaena (Tinea)) should have had priority.
Considered invasive in this country (from Europe). (Capinera, John L. North American Vegetable Pests. The Pattern of Invasion. American Entomologist. Spring 2002)
Print References
Karsholt, O., Lvovsky, A.L. & Nielsen, C. 2004. A new species of Agonopterix feeding on giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in the Caucasus, with a discussion of the nomenclature of A. heracliana (Linnaeus) (Depressariidae).
Nota lepidopterologica 28(3):
Internet References
The Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD):
D. pastinacella,
D. radiella (3)
Evolution. M. R. Berenbaum