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Painted Tiger Moth caterpillars just emerged - Arachnis picta

Painted Tiger Moth caterpillars just emerged - Arachnis picta
Escondido, San Diego County, California, USA
November 29, 2011
26 days after the eggs were laid, the caterpillars hatched.

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Painted Tiger Moth - Arachnis picta - female Painted Tiger Moth eggs two days after being laid - Arachnis picta Painted Tiger Moth egg one day before hatching - Arachnis picta Painted Tiger Moth caterpillar newly emerged - Arachnis picta Painted Tiger Moth caterpillars just emerged - Arachnis picta Painted Tiger Moth caterpillars just emerged and hanging from silk. - Arachnis picta Painted Tiger Moth caterpillar newly emerged - Arachnis picta