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Can anyone I.D. this insect? - Synanthedon rubrofascia - male

Can anyone I.D. this insect? - Synanthedon rubrofascia - Male
Henrico County, Virginia, USA
June 25, 2006
Size: Approximately 3/4 inch
This little guy was only on the leaf in the picture for less than a minute and then flew away. I have looked through several pictures trying to I.D. it myself but haven't had any success yet. Can anyone tell me what it is? Thank you in advance!


NOT Synanthedon culiciformis
After careful studying and comparing descriptions between Synanthedon culiciformis and Synanthedon rubrofascia i came to the conclusion that this specimen is a Synanthedon rubrofascia male (transparent forewings and large valvae). S. culiciformis has labial palpi orange-red, brown-black dorsally, abdomen with segment 4 orange-red and segment 2 orange-red posteriorly. Segments 1-4 orange-red laterally.

2567 - Synanthedon rubrofascia (male)
... Synanthedon culiciformis is a far western species. S. exitiosa (fem.) has orange rather than red markings and dark forewings. S. rubrofascia is found along the Gulf Coast from LA to FL and north along the Atlantic states to MD. Please email regarding permission to display your moth photos on plates at Moth Photographers Group. Thanks, B.P.

Thank you!
Thanks very much for the fast I.D. on the Peach Tree Borer! :-) Carol

S. culiciformes. One of the Sesiidae, Hodges #2561. Probably not an image of this here.

Peach tree borer????????
First, great image.
It looks something like the peach tree borer or a close relative.
Copy and past this URL to see.

I am not sure of the differences between S. exitiosa and S. culiciformes. The images I have seen look very similar. Perhaps Bob will comment.

Synanthedon exitiosa vs. culiciformis
The biggest difference between S. exitiosa female and S. culiciformis is represented by the opaque forewings: S. exitiosa females have opaque forewings covered with blue-black scales, while S. culiciformis has hyaline forewings, sometimes with an orange-red suffusion at base. S. exitiosa males are very different altogether (no red abdominal banding).

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