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Insect photography of Alex Wild. He's an entomology student at UC Davis, and is mainly interested in ants. He has some excellent photos and descriptions of ants, plus photos of other insects.

Dragonflies, Butterflies, And Moths (
Most extensive pages on dragonflies and damselflies, but also pages on moths and butterflies. Site is authored (and photographed) by Dave Czaplak of Maryland.

Insects of Alabama Trees
From Auburn University College of Agriculture, Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology.

Lots of natural history info and images of various life stages, though it helps to know what you're looking for.

I found this site while looking for an image of an Ailanthus webworm, and so far this is the only place I've found it.

An Illustrated Guide to the Predaceous Insects of the Northern Texas Rolling Plains
Handy publication with good illustrations and keys, though limited to predaceous members of various families.. Rather hard to find on the web.

Introduction to the Identification of Insects and Related Arthropods
A set of on-line keys emphasizing Florida fauna. Some of these have been linked individually in BugGuide, but this index page is very handy.

Discussion about observation of Butterflies, Moths, Dragonflies, and other bugs in the Virginia-Maryland-Delaware region. This group is pretty active, and has some knowledgable people.

There are several other Yahoo entomology groups. One can search through them in the Yahoo Groups section--most appear to be under Science:Zoology. I'm going to post links to just a couple that I've found useful, since they have not been posted on bugguide previously.

Insects of Northeastern Iowa
Limited in coverage to some families of lepidoptera and some of coleoptera. Very good coverage of Carabidae, with many linked images.

Guide to Insects of Quebec
A rich site, with lots of illustrations, and some keys. (It is in French.) Particularly good illustrations of Carabid beetle genera.

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