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Species Paralobesia carduana - Lobesia carduana - Hodges#2728

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Redefinition of the tribe Bactrini and revised status of genera Taniva (Heinrich) and Hulda (Heinrich) ...
By P. T. Dang
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 44(2): 77-87 , 1990

Notes on some North American moths of the subfamily Eucosminae
By Carl Heinrich
Proceedings of the United States National Museum 75(2779): 1-23, 1929

New host records for Olethreutinae (Tortricidae)
By Richard L. Brown, J. F. Gates Clarke, Dale H. Habeck
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 37(3): 224-227, 1983

Guide to the Olethreutine moths of midland North America (Tortricidae).
By William E. Miller
United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Agriculture Handbook 660: 1-104, 1987

Olethreutine Moths of the Midwestern United States, An Identification Guide
By Gilligan, Todd M., Donald J. Wright, and Loran D. Gibson
Ohio Biological Survey, P.O. Box 21370, Columbus, Ohio 43221-0370, 2008
A very useful book for those interested in Olethreutine moths. Covers 306 species with color photos of adults, life history information, flight periods, distribution, and microphotos of male and female genitalia. Many of the included species occur in a wider area than the midwestern states.

Molecular phylogeny, divergence time, biogeography and trends in host plant usage in the agriculturally important tortricid trib
By Gui-Lin Hu, John Brown, Maria Heikkilä, Leif Aarvik, Marko Mutanen
Cladistics, 10.1111/cla.12543, 2023
Molecular phylogeny, divergence time, biogeography and trends in host plant usage in the agriculturally important tortricid tribe Grapholitini (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae)

Three New Tortricids (Lepidoptera) From Texas
By Andre Blanchard and Edward C. Knudson
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, V.86(2), pp. 446-451, 1984
Abstract - Three new species of the family Tortricidae (Lepidoptera), Pelochrista collilonga, Grapholita hierglyphana, and Anopina texasana, are described from examples collected by authors in Texas. Male and female imagines and genitalia are figured. A lectotype for Anopina wellingtoniana (Kearfott) is designated.

Article available online at this link from Biodiversity Heritage Library.

Immigrant Tortricidae: Holarctic versus Introduced Species in North America
By Gilligan, T.M., J.W. Brown, J, Baixeras
Insects, 11(9), 594: 1-59., 2020
Gilligan, T.M., J.W. Brown, J, Baixeras, 2020. Immigrant Tortricidae: Holarctic versus Introduced Species in North America. Insects, 11(9), 594: 1-59.

Abstract: In support of a comprehensive update to the checklist of the moths of North America, we attempt to determine the status of 151 species of Tortricidae present in North America that may be Holarctic, introduced, or sibling species of their European counterparts. Discovering the natural distributions of these taxa is often difficult, if not impossible, but several criteria can be applied to determine if a species that is present in both Europe and North America is natively Holarctic, introduced, or represented by different but closely related species on each continent.

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