Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Species Paralobesia carduana - Lobesia carduana - Hodges#2728

Paralobesia (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a systematic revision
By Royals, H.R., J-F. Landry, T. M. Gilligan
Memoirs of the Lepidopterists' Society , (6): 1-149, 2019
Royals, H.R., J-F. Landry, T. M. Gilligan, 2019. Paralobesia (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a systematic revision. Memoirs of the Lepidopterists' Society , (6): 1-149.

A leaf skeletonizer, Lobesia liriodenrana, Olethreutidae, on Magnolia grandiflora in Florida
By Peterson, Alvah
The Florida Entomologist 43(3):105-114, 1960
Detailed description of Paralobesia liriodendrana, including habitus drawings of life-cycle, and leaf damage.

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Classification of Holarctic species of the genus Lobesia (Guenée), with description of Paralobesia gen. nov. ...
By N. S. Obraztsov
Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie 96:85-94, 1953
Classification of Holarctic species of the genus Lobesia Guenée, with description of Paralobesia gen. nov. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae).

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Epiblema Hübner, Sonia Heinrich, Suleima Heinrich, and Notocelia Hübner of the Contiguous United States and Canada (Lepidopter
By Wright, D.J. & T.M. Gilligan
The Moths of America north of Mexico Fascicle 9.6: 1-376, 2023
Wright, D.J. & T.M. Gilligan, 2023. Epiblema Hübner, Sonia Heinrich, Suleima Heinrich, and Notocelia Hübner of the Contiguous United States and Canada (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Eucosmini). The Moths of America north of Mexico, Fascicle 9.6: 1-376, order.

A new species of Eucosma Hübner and two new species of Cydia Hübner (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from the United States
By Richard L. Brown and Christi Jaeger
Zootaxa 3860(3): 226-234, 2014

New North American species of Eucosmini (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
By André Blanchard & Edward C. Knudson
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 85(4): 845-852, 1983
Blanchard, A. & E.C. Knudson. 1983. New North American species of Eucosmini (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 85(4): 845-852.

Critical remarks on the synonymy of certain Anchylopera species, with descriptions of new species (Lepidoptera, Eucosmidae)
By James Halliday McDunnough
American Museum Novitates, 1725: 1-15, 1955

The Aesculus-feeding species of Exartema with description of a new species (Lepidoptera, Eucosmidae)
By Annette F. Braun
Ohio Journal of Science, 51(6): 353-357, 1951