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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
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A Hirudisomatid? - Octoglena bivirgata

A Hirudisomatid? - Octoglena bivirgata
Monte Bello Open Space Preserve, Santa Clara County, California, USA
January 9, 2012
Size: 10 mm
Found this attractive critter under a dead log beside the trail in mixed deciduous forest, elevation ~1800'. I count 37 body segments, including the head and anal segment. It really did look like a leech, so I thought it might belong among the Hirudisomatidae. Did I guess right?

Moved from Octoglena.

Moved from Hirudisomatidae.

Hirudisomatidae (Polyzoniida)
Hirudisomatidae (Polyzoniida) ias correct; congratulations. This has to be, from the Santa Cruz Co. locality, Octoglena bivirgata. Rowland Shelley

How to move when it's a new taxon?
Rowland, it appears that O. bivirgata is new to BugGuide (though there are some images of O. anura).

I moved my photo to Octoglena, but I don't know how to create a place for O. bivirgata. Could you do that or tell me how to do it?


Thanks, Rowand!
We certainly do have a number of very pretty millipedes in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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