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Genus Acroneuria

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Larvae of Insects
By Alvah Peterson
Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1948
Two Volume Set
Part I is subtitled "Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera"
Part II is subtitled "Coleoptera, Diptera, Neuroptera, Siphonaptera, Mecoptera, Trichoptera".

The publication year refers to the first edition. These volumes are primarily an identification guide with keys, drawings, descriptions, and bibliographies. Part I, though, contains some brief introductory material on equipment and methods for collecting, killing, dissecting, and preserving insect larvae that I found interesting.

Life of North American Insects
By Benedict Jaeger
Harper, 1859
An interesting illustrated historical work available from the Biodiversity Heritage Library. The author, Benedict Jaeger (1789-1869)*, is rather obscure. Quoting from a work about him (Weiss, Harry; 1922. Professor Benedict Jaeger, early entomologist of New link, full text):

Prof. Jaeger (1789-1869) travelled widely and authored many books on insects, notably "The Life of North American Insects" (1854). In 1831 he was engaged by the College of New Jersey, now Princeton University, to put their Zoological Museum in order, after which he accepted a teaching post which he resigned in 1840. (NJHS 1922)

Pollen and pollination
By A. Dafni, M. Hesse, E. Pacini, eds.
Plant Systematics and Evolution 222: ix+336 pp., 2000

Field guide to common insect pests of urban trees in the Northeast
By Hanson T., Walker E.
Waterbury, VT: Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation. 35 pp., 2002
pest profiles from this book can be found online here

Temporal patterns of diatom ingestion by larval net-winged midges (Diptera: Blephariceridae: Blepharicera)
By A.J. Alverson & G.W. Courtney
Freshwater Biology 47:2087-2097, 2002

Niche overlap of sympatric Blepharicera (Diptera: Blephariceridae) larvae from the southern Appalachian Mountains
By A.J. Alverson, G.W. Courtney, & M.R. Luttenton
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 20: 564-581, 2001

Insects of stored products
By D.P. Rees
CSIRO Publishing, 192 pp., 2004

The immigration of insects to Florida, with a tabulation of records published since 1970
By J.H. Frank, E.D. McCoy
Florida Entomol. 75: 1-28, 1992

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